Safe + Sound Week is a nationwide effort from OSHA to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs in the workplace. Princeton EHS joins businesses and universities around the country for this annual event to show our commitment to workplace safety and health.
Safe + Sound Week 2024
Safe + Sound Week returned to Princeton in 2024 with a series of promotions and special events highlighting the University's commitment to workplace safety.
Safety Top Tigers
EHS invited nominations from the campus community for Safety Top Tiger—a fellow student or colleague who practices safety and stands as a positive example for others. Winners received a cool t-shirt!
Top Tiger Donna in Sociology
What Safety Means
As part of Safe and Sound Week 2024, we asked people on the Princeton campus what safety means to them.
EVP Statement
Princeton University Executive Vice President Katie Callow-Wright released a statement in support of Safe + Sound Week at Princeton.
Dear Princeton Campus Community,
Princeton University is committed to maintaining and advancing a culture where safety and health are core values, adopted and practiced throughout all levels of the University.
This month we join other organizations and businesses nationwide in marking Safe + Sound Week, August 12-16, 2024. The week gives us an opportunity to raise awareness of the value of safety and health programs, and reinforce our commitment to a safe and health working environment.
I encourage all members of the campus community to explore programs offered by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at Princeton by going to or contacting EHS at 609-258-5294 or [email protected].
Katie Callow-Wright
Executive Vice President
Princeton University
Safe + Sound Week 2019
Safe+ Sound Week 2019 focused on three core principles: Find and Fix Hazards, Worker Participation and Management Leadership.
You've Been Caught—Being Safe
EHS representatives handed out over 70 You’ve Been Caught cards, recognizing Princeton employees “caught in the act” of being safe—wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), using appropriate tools and following other safe work practices.
You've Been Caught: Building Services
Spot the Hazard
In 2019 and 2024, we encouraged staff to "Take 10 and Take Action." It can take as little as 10 minutes to find and fix workplace hazards, making a big difference to health and safety at work. A checklist facilitates a quick evaluation of work spaces, equipment and safety practices.
Safe + Sound Week 2018
Princeton inaugurated Safe + Sound Week with a promotional effort around workplace health and safety that garnered national attention.
OSHA Recognition
Princeton EHS' efforts to promote Safe + Sound Week were recognized by sponsoring entity OSHA in their national newsletter.
Busted! For Being Safe
Our You've Been Caught campaign recognized employees working safety around campus with cards redeemable for treats at University dining halls.
You've Been Caught: Mason Shop
Kelly States
Associate Director, Campus Safety
James McQuaid
Assistant Director